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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Hansford

Estimating Sums and Differences

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Every year, estimating is difficult for my students. They just don't want to estimate. They want to find the exact answer. They don't understand why I'm making them do this extra step.

I think estimating is such an important skill because it's a skill that as adults we use all the time. I want my students to have as many mental math strategies as possible.

According to Jon A. Van de Walle, a math education researcher and author of Teaching Student Centered Math, estimation is a higher level skill.

The Common Core Standards require estimation at every grade level. In fourth grade the students are required to use place value to round multi-digit whole numbers.

I use this estimation game as a center so the kids can continuously practice rounding. This contains 6 game boards with matching game cards. The game boards are varying difficulties so you can differentiate the activity to meet the needs of your students.

What are your thoughts and experiences?

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