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  • Writer's pictureCynthia Hansford

Rounding Packet

Rounding is an important skill for students to master.

As adults we use rounding and estimation all the time. We round when we go grocery shopping, when you are purchasing tickets for your family or when you go out to dinner with friends and want to split the check. Rounding is an important life skill that we use every day.

According to the Common Core Standards students need to be able to Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers.

Purchase my Rounding Packet and my other products at my TPT store!

This packet includes everything you will need to review and practice rounding. This packet correlates with the Common Core Standard 4.NBT.3. This packet includes my estimating sums and differences game, round to the nearest ten game, a hundred chart for rounding, number cards and counters.

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